Atlas Iron - Critical Risk Training Videos


Atlas Iron recognised that when they rolled out their new Health and Safety training on their 12 critical risks, they needed to incorporate video into their training strategy.

We worked with the HSE team from Atlas Iron to take their existing documentation on these 12 critical risks and develop a script and shot plan. We then spent 4 days on two mine sites filming the minesite at work, collecting footage for each of the 12 videos, before returning to Perth to edit.

In the end we created 13 videos (12 topics and 1 introduction video) to help inform and educate their employees and contractors on site. With the videos being used on site as part of an indication process, as well as in the office to help upskill existing employees.

Let’s take a look at Video 1 - the introduction video

4 days on a minesite to complete 13 videos may seem like a long time, but operations on a re minesite are complex and potentially dangerous. Filming on a minesite adds to that complexity.

So time is often taken to ensure that everyone being filmed whilst they operate or maintain equipment, is aware of what’s happening and potneial risks.

One of the key skills and value that Bruce from GINGERBEARD Media brings to these sort of projects is his background. Having spent a decade working as a Health and Safety professional in the Oil and Gas Industry in both the UK and Austrlia, Bruce is familiar with the processes, standards and operating procedures that many companies work under. Simply put - he understands the risks and how sites like these operate - making sure filming is conducted in a safe and effective manner.

Let’s wrap this up…

The 13 videos that we’ve created for Atlas Iron are now being used as part of their induction process, helping to communicate their critial risks to literally hundreds of employees.

If you’re interested in talking about videos that could assist your business to better communicate, internally or externally, please feel free to get in touch.


2023! Wow! What a year!!


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