Get Motivated For Using Video In Your Business In 2020

We’re 4 months into 2020 and for pretty much every business owner, the year hasn’t exactly gone as planned.

One thing you might have been planning is to use video in your business… but perhaps you’ve stalled.

But the good news is that with Covid-19 currently changing alot about what we know about the world of business, perhaps it is time to start considering video.

And with that, today, we’re talking about 6 typical barriers to starting video and how you can blast past them! Because with the current global situation - now is a great time to start shooting your own videos.

So the 6 points listed in the video and this article aren’t the only barriers, but speaking to business owners, they are the typical ones that we find hold people up from starting.

Let’s roll into them!

Stop Overthinking

This can be a typically be a massive one for business owners - learning a new skill that daunts us, learning new tech, working out how this will link into a larger marketing strategy can all stop us from starting…. because we’re overthinking it.

It’s often easier to prioritise ‘actual’ work that needs to be done for the business, rather than creating videos.

The truth is that the best place to start was yesterday, but we’ve missed that and we need to move on. Any step taken is better than no step at all. So let’s start today.

Using Gear as an Excuse

This is definitely in the 2nd position on this list for a reason….

We see so many business owners ‘waiting for gear’ so that they can start creating video, and the truth is that that is just a lazy excuse. Gear supports what you do, but it doesn’t stop you from creating.

If you have never created a video before, then trust me, it will be you holding your production up not the lack of gear. You don’t need the fanciest piece of kit to get you started - a phone will do.

Start trying to create with what you have and it will actually better guide you as to what you could do with buying to help your production.

However - it is the content that people will latch on to, production value comes later.

Stop worrying about what others think

Unfortunately, self-confidence isn’t something that can be purchased overnight, it is something that is built over time as you demonstrate the skill in an area. But to build that self-confidence you need to actually do the task at hand.

So how do we defeat these thoughts about what other people think about what you’re doing?

So firstly - consider your starting audience. People who follow your business are already supportive of your business. Your friends, family and significant others are going to proud of you for giving it a go. This will be the most supportive bunch of people you’ve seen.

But what about ‘real’ experts in the industry? Won’t they be following and checking what I do? The answer, no. The people are likely to be focusing on their own content and what they’re doing. You are unlikely to be in direct competition. So step out of this imposter syndrome feeling and start creating content.

But what about my local competition?

So I have two schools of thought here. If you’re behind your competition or ‘in the mix’ then any steps forward to catch up or overtake is going to be a threat to them, and if you’re out in front and you’re taking further strides to increase the distance - then that will be a worry too.

So stop worrying about what others think - and start creating!


Start Small

Start small, be consistent and provide value to your followers.

Starting small covers a lot of things - you don’t need a massive production, you don’t need big and expensive gear and to start with you don’t need a massive plan and strategy.

These are all things that can be built on as you progress.

The most important thing is starting.

By starting small you can build up steam, find your voice, improve your skills… and most of all, aim for consistency. And then further down the track you can then start to work on building your videos into a strategy, look at what equipment might better support you.

Stop Worrying About The Future

For some of us, we worry about the future, and we worry too much. This stops us from starting to create.

We’re worried about constantly thinking up new video ideas - how are we going to constantly make up new content? And the truth is that once you start to create it will continue. Conversations you have will drive new ideas. Viewers and followers will see what you’re creating and ask new questions.

You need to shift your mindset into a ‘here and now’ rather than be worried for the future. Cross that bridge if you ever get to it.

Stop being a Perfectionist

When creating content, you need to move away from perfectionism.

The truth is that you keep following that path, anything you create will never be released.

At this point, it is better to have a project released at 95% complete, rather than sitting on your computer.

You will always look back at things and see what you could have improved; that happens whether you make it perfect or not. But without releasing it, any time and effort you’ve placed into that project will not be returned.

Let’s wrap this up

I hope these points help kick start your motivation for starting video. This current situation is a great opportunity to start using video, and then when the world returns - you’re already set up and rolling.

Until next time,

Beard Out


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