Dogs' Refuge Home & HiF;- Dog 'n' Health Games 2016

As regular readers of our blog will be aware, we regularly work with Perth charities to help deliver media with an aim of helping to provide exposure of or on their valued work in the community. One such charity is the Dogs' Refuge Home.

Recent readers of the blog may remember our event promo video for their event The Dog 'n' Health Games 2016 well, as part of that work we were asked to cover the event itself.

The Dog 'n' Health Games is a new social fitness event in Perth and is described as a morning of healthy fun for the whole family including activity circuits for adults, kids and dogs that will help raise money and awareness for the Dogs’ Refuge Home. This year the key sponsor was HiF; one of the leading West Australian health insurance providers.

But what really separates this event from others is that dogs are actively encouraged to be not only at, but involved at the event. With all activities and even down to the vendors being selected based on their dog involvement.

So let's take a look at the video we produced for HiF and the Dogs' Refuge Home, see if you can spot some of the famous Perthonalities that attended!

It's great to see (and be involved) in such a positive event in Perth!

The event provided a great opportunity for dog owners and their families to get together and be involved in a health and fitness event, whilst all the time raising awareness and money for the Dogs' Refuge Home. In fact the event raised over $5,000, which is a great start for a first year event!

If you're looking for an event highlight video for your business, then why not get in contact? The video can be used for internal and external marketing of your event, brand and company. We'd love to have a chat about how video can help your business.


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