Eco Test & Tag - Welcome and “What to Expect” Videos


Eco Test and Tag is a B2B service provider, specialising in electrical safety.

As the name suggests, their main services are to provide electrical test and tag services, but they also offer emergency response testing and tagging too.

In their original brief, Hayden from Test and Tag wanted to create a ‘what to expect on the day’ video - helping their customers to understand what and how the company operates when they come into a client’s premises.

However, upon development of the scope, we added the creation of a short welcome video to assist with developing their marketing.

Let’s check out the welcome video first.

The welcome video now sits proudly on the client’s website home page.

We kept the welcome video relatively quick and simple - because we wanted to add value to the tool by also ensuring the video could be run on social media, on top of their website.

With the ‘What to Expect on the Day’ video the client wanted to create a longer video that would engage with customers who they were booked to visit, helping to explain their process. This video would help ensure that key communication points were not missed and reduce the repetition of a lengthy task.

Let’s check out what we created.

As this is a longer video, we decided that it would be more efficient for the filming not to have Hayden present all the script - and instead use a professional scripted voiceover. This left more time during filming to capture the business at work rather than spend more time filming scripting. This allowed more time to film their typical day’s work.

This is a great example of how video can be used to standardise key client communication, ensuring the same quality level each and every time.

If you’re interested in talking more about how video could help your business, please feel free to get in touch.


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