WesTrac's Recruitment Campaign

Long-term readers of our blog may remember our previous work with WesTrac to cover their 2017 event Dig Day; WesTrac’s annual opportunity for clients to see demonstrations of, and try out equipment and tools prior to purchasing.

So when their marketing team got back in contact with us and asked for help with their national recruitment campaign, we were only too happy to help out.

For this campaign we worked directly with WesTrac, who were directed by their marketing agency, to create a series of interview videos and promotional photos that would be run nationally.

Our images and video would be combined with a similar series being shot in New South Wales.

The concept was to shoot a series of 4 interviews focusing on why WesTrac was a great place to work. From this we delivered a 15-second and 40-second version of each interview, totalling 8 videos, that would be used on WesTrac’s website and social media advertising.

Let’s take a look at the final images and videos.

The images and video shown here are now being used as part of a national recruitment campaign for WesTrac.

The videos are being used to drive interest and traffic to their website (shown below) and the images have also been provided to graphic designers who are using them as print and digital material as part of the campaign.

You can can see an examples of our work in action on WesTrac’s career website.


This project really helps to demonstrate how we’re able to deliver both video and images to high-level brands inline with their strategy. Behind the scenes, we worked with WesTrac to carefully cut from around 15-20-minutes to 40 seconds of highlights. With each interview provide a different ‘sell’ on why to work for WesTrac.

If your company is considering a recruitment campaign and you’re thinking of using video then I’d love to have a chat about how we can help.


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