Bailey Fitness - Social Media Content Videos - #02

Long-term followers of our business may remember our work with Bailey Fitness back in late 2016 where we delivered a welcome video for their website

And now we're back working with owner, Adam and his team across Bailey's 3 Perth locations.

We've already discussed some of this project and the first month's worth of content, but today we wanted to highlight some of the strategy behind the videos that make up the second month of Bailey's content.

Our Social Media Content Packages

When clients sign up for our Social Media Content Package the first couple of months we're really trying to work on a couple of different strategies.

Firstly - variety;- we need to make sure that what our clients receive provides them with enough variety in content that they can get out there straight away and market themselves - we don't want them to have to wait for a library to be built before they can start marketing. We want our tools up, ready and in use as soon as possible. We're looking to build a library of tools for them, but too much of the same thing and it won't be effective.

Second, we need to start learning their brand and what works for their target market. Whilst both we and our clients have ideas on their market, most of the time the first couple of shoots are an educated test - we need to find what works well for the client and their market.

So lets get onto discussing what types of content we delivered for Bailey Fitness.... and why we're using it.

Member Stories

With most of our work on social media, we're looking to tell stories and show an insight into the business. For pubic-facing businesses like Baileys we usually look to do this through their clients, and that usually means testimonial-style content.

There are a couple of different ways to shoot testimonials, but with social media the viewer is highly-aware when it's advertised material - and they will avoid this. So sit down interviews often feel more formal and thus staged - which loses both the 'social' in social media and ultimately the trust. So for many social media testimonial interviews we shoot in a more 'raw' feel. 

Our aim with this style is to connect with the viewer in a more natural way. You'll notice that the camera moves during the interview - becuase tripod head/shoulder, a talking head interview feel too formal, so the aim of this style is to feel like we're having a conversation;- we've interupted what theyre doing and it's totally unplanned.


Industry Knowledge

This video is part of a series of 3 - aimed at providing some quick and simple Pilates instruction.

Often businesses are sceptical of 'giving away' - in the case of service industries this usually comes down to knowledge. 'If we give away what we do and how we do it, we'll lose clients - they'll know how to do what we do for free'. And the truth is, yes, yes you will lose some clients if you give everything away. But... can you give everything away in one 2 minute video? Can you teach someone everything you know in two minutes? Will someone watch every video you ever produce and have the industry knowledge you have? And that truth is no.

Don't be scared to share your business.

Giving knowledge away helps a viewer to connect with what you do;- they start to understand what you do which lets them be more likely to understand your value - both financially and and as a service.

Too many businesses are trying to tell their target market, and not enough are trying to share. Once you start 'giving away' you'll see better engagement with your market because they value your brand better.

So how much can sharing and giving away help your business? Well, one of this 3-part video series from Bailey Fitness received 22,000 views on Facebook.

Let that sink in for a second - 22,000 views.

Yes, some of its reach has been achieved through a paid format, and thus some of it won't be a "true engagement".

But with 30 shares, 164 positive emoticons and 19 comments that mostly enquire about the service - its definitely reached its audience.

Now can you say that a printed flyer would reach that many people? Whats the cost of that video compared to the flyer? And, can you measure that feedback of a flyer? Can you do it radio? or TV?

Online provides a unique and highly interactive feedback loop for content. Online produces results.

So if your business is not sharing, then I would highly consider doing so. This business just potentially reached 22,000 new clients.



We shot a series of 3 short testimonials on a class as part of this block of content.

These aim to provide the business with relatable member experiences that they can share (and target) with their members and potential clients, and like our member stories, we wanted these to have a raw feel so that they are less formal and more engaging.

Ultimately these testimonials became a tester for the business on the style and content as the following month we shot around 70 short testimonials videos - a massive amount of content to help drive that business.


Visual Teasers

Our visual teasers are designed to be short showcase of the business in action. They have a 'catch and release' technique - whereby they aim to catch the viewers attention and then release them - either to the website for an equiry or if they aren't interested to scroll past.

Our aim with this type of media is to help reinforce a brand.

So there you have it - a sample of our content for one business to really step up their social media presence. A case study in what we deliver for our clients,  a sample of the results and I think, more interestingly, a look at why we deliver what we deliver.

Every shoot and piece of content should have some form of strategy behind it - shooting video is good for to market your business, but it truely helps when there is consideration as to why you're shooting it and how it will be used.

If you're considering using video to market your business, then why not get in touch, we'd love to have a chat.


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