As business owners, I think we're all looking for one thing when it comes to our expenses - best value for money. And yet often we are all guilty of not getting enough value when it comes to our media. So let's talk about that!

When businesses commit spending their hard-fought budgets to having media such as advertising and marketing video(s) produced there is no doubt that they should look to get as much value from it as possible.

Let's take an overview look at the investment that is typically made when video is shot;-

  • Businesses spend time researching who could be used as a video production company

  • Businesses spend time meeting with the videographer

  • Businesses spend time working to review shotplans and/or scripts

  • Businesses invest time and resources into the shoot - often as productivity needs to decline as time is committed to allow for filming

  • Businesses spend time reviewing the potential final video(s) and making comments for changes

  • There is obviously the financial investment for the video itself

  • And then, once delivered, the business will usually spend time writing up blog articles, or constructing social media posts.

But all this investment of both time and money usually leads to;-  one social media post on each platform, one marketing email and one change to their website. And the question is;- is that enough of a return investment for both their time and money? Does the business get enough value from that media that they have so heavily invested both time and money in. 

Our answer - no.

So what can be done?

Reposting is your friend!

Other than maximising the value spent on media;- i.e using your media in as many different ways as possible, I believe that we also need to look at why we should be reposting to help our business, and for me it comes down to a bubble.

In my head I try to think about my potential target market as being a bubble - these people inside the bubble are who we want as customers. As time goes on, be it day-to-day, a week, month, year or over decades, potential new customers will enter the 'client bubble' and others will leave. I think we often loose sight as business owners that our 'client bubble' is always changing and so our potential to market to new clients constantly evolves.

I believe that one of the reasons we don't repost is because we feel that we're just pushing the same message to the same people - it feels like we're repeating ourselves, it feels boring and can result in it feeling rude and annoying.

So if our 'client bubble' is always changing then we should be thinking about how our brand is being communicated to those new clients. Even for 'client bubble veterans';- those who have been in the bubble for awhile, a repeated message may help your brand to be reinforced with them, and finally a purchase made or an engagement held.

OK, I'm convinced I should be reposting, now what?

So let's start with a couple of basics; there is no right answer for when and where to be posting. Every business will be different in the way and frequency that it interacts and engages with it's clients. Some platforms will be better for your business than others, some times of the day or week will be better than others and in line with that, reposting timeframes will differ as well.

Ultimately, your business must walk the fine line between reinforcing a message and annoyingly repeating itself. But, if you haven't been reposting at all - then you're unlikely to be at the bad end of that spectrum. Our general advice would be to try, measure and repeat - learn as you go.

But for those who are after our thoughts on reposting, lets get into some specifics.

Main Business Videos - these provide an overview of your business - who you are, what you do and why people should use your business. For GINGERBEARD Media - that's what we offer in our Website Welcome Video Package. This is probably your number one tool for showing off your business. Look to repost and reuse this content as much as possible. If your social media content is lacking (i.e your facebook posting is random at best) then look to balance it out with other posts so that your feed is not just of this one re-posted item. But as a minimum once a quarter, if not around every 8 weeks for reposting this type of content.

Specific Product Videos - these provide details on one part of your business - what you offer as a product or service. The likely comparison here would be to GINGERBEARD Media's Video Package videos themselves - that's 'our product'. And here we look to repost these on a regular, revolving basis - something around one product video per quarter, revolving between each of our packages so that the message stays fresh, but there is always a reminder as to what we do.

Topic Specific Videos - these videos aim to break barriers for client's entry to your business and usually take the form of a FAQ video. These are great videos to repost as whilst the message remains the same they will communicate with potential clients differently as their 'purchasing journey' progresses within your industry. So the client might take one point from their first engagement, and something different from the 2nd or 3rd viewing - this reposting is providing value each time. Our suggestion would revolve around using these every couple of weeks - if you have a library of them then its easy to add more and keep the content both revolving, and also fresh and interesting.

Visual Videos - yes, a bad title, but mostly just a descriptive to this type of video - These videos are there to help emphasise your brand feelings;- the way people feel about your brand. They don't necessarily directly advertise your business or product i.e. no direct to camera scripted pieces. Simply put they are often just images that emote a feeling about your brand that help to engage with your clients. These are great fillers in your social media arsenal - so they can easily be used to fill gaps where you need content. 


Final Thoughts and Reminders

So that just about wraps up our thoughts about reposting - a great way to get more value from you media content.

As a final point; I recently had a phone call with a client who we had created a promotional video for and our conversation focused around how much they could re-use their video. They were concerned that by reposting, re-sending or re-communicating their video they would become that annoying business. But I reminded them aside from the above that we've talked about, that just because you have communicated, doesn't mean your clients have received - so they should be afraid to repost, they never know who they might catch on the 2nd, 3rd or 20th time around - that client bubble is always evolving.

When you do repost - don't forget to use a new angle. Change what you post about, highlight something different, communicate in your written text differently to last time. Then use the video. It'll change the perspective of your communication whilst still getting bang for your buck from the media you've invested in.

Finally, my comment to all my clients when they ask about this topic is always to consider how they can use their media as much as possible - that's how you get best value from it. Don't tuck it away on your website, don't post it out once and then hide it away and don't afraid to repost.

You think that #ThrowbackThursday or #FlashbackFriday came about just for nostalgia? Put it to use for you and your business!

I hope this post has been useful, if you have any comments on what we've discussed - feel free to add them in the comments sections and as ever if you're interested in video and how it can help you and your business, please feel free to get in touch- we're always happy to talk about video!

Until next time!

Beard Out!


Kirby Swim - Social Media Content


Ultimo Constructions - Turnkey Development Solutions