Ask The Beard;- How To Get More Views On Your Video

When you invest in a video for your business, be it through using GINGERBEARD Media, or through investing in your own time in shooting it yourself most people believe that the hard work is complete once the video is finished. But in fact, that's about 60% of the work complete - the remaining 40% is probably the most important stage, and that is getting people to view your video. After all, there is no point in investing time and money into your video only to not have it viewed!

So that's what we're taking a look at today;- how to get more views on your videos!

For most businesses their first video will usually focus on the business itself; an introduction to their products and services. And most of the time these will end on their website, which is a great start to the process.

Our tips here would focus around visibility. As consumers' attention is often short, your video should be placed in a highly visible location. I can't tell you the amount of introductory videos that we have seen buried on a 2nd or 3rd tier page of a website. So get it on the font page and make it inviting to watch!

Next up is YouTube. YouTube is the world's biggest video hosting platform and it's owned by Google. So if you are looking to get discovered, then hosting your video here is a great way to increase your chances of coming up in a search from your potential clients. Our primary tip once you have uploaded is to make sure that you enter all of your metadata;- so title the video appropriately and use the description box; ensuring linking back to your company and website. And don't forget to set the video to 'public';- anything else will leave your video out of any public search engine results.

Facebook is next. Upload the video to Facebook itself - just don't post a video link as visually Facebook changes the look and autoplay does not work - potentially harming your exposure/view count. Don't forget that you can reupload/post this on a regular basis to refresh it into potential client's feeds.

You now have a good basis of visibility for your video and means you can work to the next step;- paid promotion.

Both YouTube and Facebook offer the ability for you to sponsor your videos. This means that you can select your target audience and budget that you would like to stay in, and then let the platforms deliver the video within those parameters. This is a great way to get exposure on your brand, company, products and services at a very reasonable marketing price. You no longer need the thousands of dollars it used to cost to market on TV.

Finally, as with all tools and products, you should look to get as much use out of your video as possible. You should be looking to use your video(s) through cross promotion. So look to link it at the bottom of your emails, post an article about it on other social media platforms like Linkedin or perhaps place a snippet of your video on Instagram or use it as content in your email marketing campaigns. Your aim should be to find as many reasons to post and use your video as possible. More uses equals more visibility for your business!

At GINGERBEARD Media we want our clients to see value in their media. One piece of this puzzle for our clients is understanding how to get the most uses out of their videos. Hopefully this article has helped explain some of the ways you can start to improve the amount of views on your videos and therefore exposure for your brand.

As ever if you are interested in talking more about this topic or how video can help your business, we'd love to have a chat - just get in contact with us!




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