Professionals Granger Clark - June Market Update

Frequent readers of the bearded-blog will be aware of our regular work with Adelaide based online marketing and design agency Identity Marketing who use us to freelance on their behalf here in Western Australia.

Identity Marketing works exclusively with real estate agents with an aim of building their businesses. We're currently working for Identity Marketing each month to visit one of their clients, Professionals Granger Clark to shoot, edit and deliver a monthly communication which is sent out in Granger Clark's regular email newsletter. 

Let's take a look at what we delivered:

We regularly work as freelance for other media, marketing and advertising companies to help them deliver their and their client's media. We find that this service allows us to build great relationships with other companies, interact with different clients and continue to build experience and knowledge in the industry - ultimately which leads to better products for all our clients.

So if you have media that needs to be shot for your company or on behalf of others; don't hesitate to get in contact!


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