Behind The Beard (BtB) - Kirby Swim

Our "Behind the Beard" video series follows us behind the scenes of our video work with clients.

The idea is simple - instead of just watching a video that we've delivered for our latest client, we want talk about the video, let our followers come with us behind the scenes. So with these videos we hope followers (and potential clients) can find out about our project development, the messaging behind the video the challenges we face when shooting.

Ultimately, our aim is to move our business to become even more transparent. Remove the mystery that is small business videography, and show you what it's like to shoot video for businesses.

We hope you enjoy.


Beatbox Australia - Milo vs Cal Dust Quart Final [Perth Beatbox Royale 2015]


Beatbox Australia - Kappella At Perth Beatbox Royale